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Proceedings of the MSTU


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Vol 27, 2024, 2 No

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2

Biological Sciences. Earth Sciences. Food Technology

Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Gunchenkova A. D.
Phyllotaxis: Leaf arrangement on a horizontal branch and crystallographic borders
P. 119-125

Korneev E. S., Labay V. S., Zhivoglyadova L. A., Berezova O. N., Sharlay O. B., Abramova E. V., Akhmadeeva E. S.
Macrozoobenthos in the estuary of the small salmon river of Sakhalin Island on example of the Gornaya River
P. 126-141

Vasileva Zh. V., Trishina A. S.
Assessing the effectiveness of local organic materials as sorbents for oil spill response in Arctic waters
P. 142-157

Gonchar N. V., Makarov A. B., Guman O. M., Antonova I. A.
Snow survey within the copper ore deposits in the mining regions of the Urals
P. 158-169

Evdokimova M. E., Pashkevich M. A.
Utilisation of titanium-containing wastes in the cement industry: A literature review
P. 170-183

Gribkova V. A., Semenov E. V., Slavyanskiy A. A., Mitroshina D. P.
The process of sucrose crystallization in the supersaturated solution
P. 184-192

Donskaja G. A., Krekker L. G., Kolosova E. V., Bychkova T. S., Karapetyan V. K.
Radioprotective ingredients of a composite dairy product
P. 193-204

Kotova T. I., Khanturgaev A. G., Tsytsykov V. A., Khanturgaeva N. A.
Production of dry extracts from sea buckthorn raw materials: Research results
P. 205-213

Leskova S. Yu., Fedorova T. Ts., Pavlova S. N., Merzlyakov A. A., Purbuev A. V., Danilov M. B.
Functional product from combined raw materials of animal origin for gerodietetic nutrition
P. 214-228

Novozhilova E. A., Shokina Yu. V., Reshetnik E. I., Zakharova L. M., Pakusina A. P., Pashina L. L., Shkolnikov P. N., Tikhonova P. А.
Development of the formulation and technology of a new fish culinary product "Cream cheese fish from blue catfish" enriched with iodine of kelp of the White Sea
P. 229-241

Sapozhnikov A. N., Kopylova A. V., Obrikov D. A.
Prospects for using powders from pumpkin pulp and rose hips in bakery products
P. 242-255

Sokolova O. V., Fedotova O. B.
The biological integrity of natural poly-species symbiotic bacterial communities for the production of kefir: Basic aspects of the preservation
P. 256-264