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Makarevich P. R., Oleinik A. A.

Microplankton of the Barents Sea: current composition and structure on the eve of the winter

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-2-316-325


Abstract. The results of microplankton (Protista) investigations in the Barents Sea (standard "Kola Meridian Transect", ~70–78° N, 33° 30' E) in November / December have been presented. Samples for the determination of the taxonomical composition and abundance have been fixed with buffered formalin and examined with light microscopy using Nageotte counting chambers. A list of species recorded in the Barents Sea on transect, abundance and vertical distribution of microplankton has been given: a) the seasonal composition of species (Ceratium fusus, Dicroerisma psilonereiella, Dinophysis rotundata, Lessardia elongata aff., Oxytoxum caudatum, Pronoctiluca pelagica, Protoperidinium brevipes, Prorocentrum balticum (Dinophyta), Corethron criophilum (Bacillariophyta), Coccolithus pelagicus (Haptophyta), Halosphaera viridis (Prasinophyta)); b) mean values of the total biomass of microplankton and its distribution in the water column (1.14 mkg/l in the layer of 50–0 m, 0.97 mkg/l – 100–50 m, 0.75 mkg/l – 200–100 m, 0.53 mkg/l – 300–200 m). Such parameter as dominant species in the structure of the total number is less constant (the ordinary dominant O. caudatum, subdominants – L. elongata aff., P. balticum, C. pelagicus, C. criophilum); in some years, at selected sites of the Barents Sea most of the total number has been formed to unusual species (Emiliania huxleyi, Mesoporos perforatus). The less stable characteristics of microplancton are dominant species composition in the biomass structure, total number of cells and their distribution in the water column.

Printed reference: Makarevich P. R., Oleinik A. A. Microplankton of the Barents Sea: current composition and structure on the eve of the winter // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 2. P. 316-325.

Electronic reference: Makarevich P. R., Oleinik A. A. Microplankton of the Barents Sea: current composition and structure on the eve of the winter // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 2. P. 316-325. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v20_2_n71/04_makarevich_316_325.pdf.

(In Russian, p.9, fig. 4, tables 4, ref 20, Adobe PDF, WO)