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Slukovskii Z. I.

Background concentrations of heavy metals and other chemical elements in the sediments of small lakes in the south of Karelia, Russia

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-1-80-92

  1. Uranium Anomalies in Recent Sediments of Lakes from the Northern Part of the Murmansk Region, Arctic
    Z. I. Slukovskii, A. V. Guzeva, V. A. Dauvalter, V. N. Udachin, D. B. Denisov
    Geochemistry International, 2020; 58(12): 1374
  2. Recent sediments of Arctic small lakes (Russia): geochemistry features and age
    Zakhar Slukovskii, Maxim Medvedev, Alexandr Mitsukov, Vladimir Dauvalter, Vasiliy Grigoriev, Lyubov Kudryavtzeva, Irina Elizarova
    Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021; 80(8):
  3. Geochemical Assessment of the Modern Sediments of a Lake in the North of Russia
    Zakhar Slukovskii, Tatiana Shelekhova
    Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research, 2023; 04(03): 1
  4. Vanadium in modern sediments of urban lakes in the North of Russia: natural and anthropogenic sources
    Zakhar Slukovskii
    Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023; 197: 115754
  5. Fractions of trace metals in the sediments of permafrost-affected lakes in Northern Siberia, Lena delta
    A. V. Guzeva, I. R. Elizarova, A. E. Lapenkov, Z. I. Slukovskii
    Arctic and Antarctic Research, 2022; 68(2): 160
  6. Греть, дымить и загрязнять: история мазута в России, "Природа"
    Захар Иванович Слуковский
    Priroda, 2020; (7): 3
  7. Trace element fractions in sediments of urbanised lakes of the arctic zone of Russia
    Alina Guzeva, Zakhar Slukovskii, Vladimir Dauvalter, Dmitry Denisov
    Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021; 193(6):
  8. Pristine Tundra Lakes in the North of Murmansk Region (Arctic): Geochemistry of Sediments, Pollution Assessment and Heavy Metal Forms
    Zakhar Slukovskii, Alina Guzeva, Maria Malysheva, Lyubov Kudryavtseva
    International Journal of Environmental Research, 2024; 18(4):
