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Shekov V. A.

Natural risks and monitoring systems: Case study of the mining-industrial heritage objects of Karelia (Ruskeala Mining Park), Russia

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2021-24-2-214-227


Abstract. Mine workings (open and underground) abandoned during the production process become part of the environment. These objects begin to degrade in accordance with ordinary processes occurring in nature. However, such developments are often of historical value and therefore become tourist sites. They pose a serious threat to the health and life of people visiting these tourist sites, if such workings were not initially processed to safe conditions. The paper considers an example of such an object – a marble quarry with elements of underground caves – the Ruskeala marble deposit, located in Karelia. In the middle of the XX century, it was abandoned, today the "Main" quarry is a monument of the historical and cultural (mining-industrial) heritage of the Republic of Karelia. Ruskeala Mining Park has collected all the risks of degradation inherent in such a natural site. The paper has proposed solutions for monitoring the sustainability of underground objects used as museum exhibits to ensure the safety of tourists visiting them.

Printed reference: Shekov V. A. Natural risks and monitoring systems: Case study of the mining-industrial heritage objects of Karelia (Ruskeala Mining Park), Russia // Vestnik of MSTU. 2021. V. 24, No 2. P. 214-227.

Electronic reference: Shekov V. A. Natural risks and monitoring systems: Case study of the mining-industrial heritage objects of Karelia (Ruskeala Mining Park), Russia // Vestnik of MSTU. 2021. V. 24, No 2. P. 214-227. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v24_2_n87/07_Shekov_214-227.pdf.

(In English, p.13, fig. 16, ref 10, AdobePDF)