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Korolev V. A.

Peculiarities of ecological and geological systems of coarse-clastic soil massifs

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-1-67-82


Abstract. Ecological and geological systems formed on massifs of coarse clastic soils have a number of characteristic features of both abiotic components (lithotope, edaphotope) and biotic (microbocenosis, phyto- and zoocenosis). It has been revealed that the structure and functioning of these ecological and geological systems (EGS) are largely determined by the features of their lithotope – complexly built massifs of coarse clastic soils with a certain genesis (relating to the eluvial, water, glacial, slope or volcanogenic-sedimentary series), geological structure, relief and exogenous geological processes developed within these massifs. The main features of the EGS lithotope of the coarse-grained soil massif include the following: 1) discrete structure of the massif due to rock fragments of different sizes; 2) the shape of the debris; 3) the presence and features of the porous filler; 4) chemical and mineral composition of fragments; 5) soil salinity; 6) geochemical migration of substances; 7) physical and mechanical properties of the soil; 8) soil weathering; 9) its water cut; 10) expressiveness in relief; 11) paragenesis of modern exogenous geological processes (weathering, erosion, cryogenic processes, as well as slope gravitational processes: landslides, screes, stone avalanches, etc.). This abiotic component affects both the formation of soils and the formation of microbiocenoses, phyto- and zoocenoses developed within these systems. The features of a specific ecological-geological system of a coarse-clastic soil massif are considered on the example of the Big and Small Iremel mountains in the Southern Urals (Republic of Bashkortostan), whose specific biocenosis is characterized by a boreal mountain-taiga type. Scale-type epilithic lichens play an important role in the formation of their phytocenoses.

Printed reference: Korolev V. A. Peculiarities of ecological and geological systems of coarse-clastic soil massifs // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 1. P. 67-82.

Electronic reference: Korolev V. A. Peculiarities of ecological and geological systems of coarse-clastic soil massifs // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 1. P. 67-82. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v27_1_n98/06_Korolev_67-82.pdf.

(In Russian, p.15, fig. 11, ref 15, AdobePDF)