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Mazukhina S.I., Masloboev V.A., Chudnenko K.V., Bychinsky V.A., Svetlov A.V.

Natural surface and underground water formation conditions in the Kola North (an example of the Khibiny Massif)


Abstract. Processes of surface and underground water formation in the Khibiny massif have been studied using a physical-chemical model of the "water – rock – atmosphere – organic substance" system. The obtained model solutions are indicative of the fact that formation of surface and underground water of the Khibiny massif takes place on the whole in the framework of the considered system without attracting a hypothetical outside source. The results are of practical and methodological importance for assessment of prediction of the man-induced impact on water systems in conditions of Subarctic.

Keywords: surface and underground waters, Khibiny massif, physical-chemical model, Subarctic

Printed reference: Natural surface and underground water formation conditions in the Kola North (an example of the Khibiny Massif) / S.I. Mazukhina, V.A. Masloboev, K.V. Chudnenko, V.A. Bychinsky, A.V. Svetlov // Vestnik of MSTU. 2010. V. 13, No 4. P. -.

Electronic reference: Natural surface and underground water formation conditions in the Kola North (an example of the Khibiny Massif) / S.I. Mazukhina, V.A. Masloboev, K.V. Chudnenko, V.A. Bychinsky, A.V. Svetlov // Vestnik of MSTU. 2010. V. 13, No 4. P. -. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v13_4_n41/articles/25_mazuk.pdf.

(In Russian, p.10, fig. 3, tables 6, ref 23, Adobe PDF)