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Koz'menko S.Yu., Gainutdinova L.I.

New economic geography and substantiation of rational gastransport infrastructure in the region


Abstract. The paper considers basic foundations of the theory of new economic geography (P. Krugman scientific school and the Russian equivalent – research school of spatial economics by Acad. A.G. Granberg) as a methodological basis for economic development of the space in the context of contemporary regional development. The effect of the scale of natural gas production on formation of the regional communications system in the part of one of the components of this system – the regional transmission infrastructure has been studied. A new approach to economic development of the Arctic area has been proposed.


Printed reference: Koz'menko S.Yu., Gainutdinova L.I. New economic geography and substantiation of rational gastransport infrastructure in the region // Vestnik of MSTU. 2012. V. 15, No 1. P. 190-194.

Electronic reference: Koz'menko S.Yu., Gainutdinova L.I. New economic geography and substantiation of rational gastransport infrastructure in the region // Vestnik of MSTU. 2012. V. 15, No 1. P. 190-194. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v15_1_n47/articles/190_194_kozmen.pdf.

(In Russian, p.5, ref 14, Adobe PDF)