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Yu.L. Voytekhovsky

Definition, classification and matrix description of rock texture transformations


Abstract. For the first time the system of definitions and mathematical approaches has been proposed to describe a crystalline rock as a topological, tolerant, measurable, metric and correlated (partly ordered) space. It has been also defined as a realization of a spatially distributed random function in which a mineral species of any grain can be calculated from its neighborhood. A petrographic texture has been defined as a rock invariant fixed by the diagonal form of an intergrain contact probability matrix. A petrographic textures classification has been given by means of quadratic forms theory while their transformations have been described in terms of matrix algebra.

Keywords: crystalline rock, petrographic texture, topological, tolerance, measurable, metric and correlated (partly ordered) space, quadratic forms theory, matrix algebra, group theory

Printed reference: Yu.L. Voytekhovsky Definition, classification and matrix description of rock texture transformations // Vestnik of MSTU. 2014. V. 17, No 2. P. 266-270.

Electronic reference: Yu.L. Voytekhovsky Definition, classification and matrix description of rock texture transformations // Vestnik of MSTU. 2014. V. 17, No 2. P. 266-270. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v17_2_n57/266_270_voite.pdf.

(In Russian, p.5, fig. 1, ref 11, Adobe PDF)