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Dikaeva D. R., Frolova E. A., Vyaznikova V. S.

Distribution and dynamics of Polychaeta communities at the Kola Transect (the Barents Sea)

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/2-258-267


Abstract. On the basis of materials collected during 1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010-2012 on the transect "Kola Meridian" distribution of polychaetes in the gradient of environmental factors has been analyzed. Dependence of species composition and quantitative characteristics of polychaetes from the type of bottom sediments and the peculiarities of the hydrological regime has been revealed

Keywords: communities, Polychaeta (Annelida), faunal complexes, Kola Transect

Printed reference: Dikaeva D. R., Frolova E. A., Vyaznikova V. S. Distribution and dynamics of Polychaeta communities at the Kola Transect (the Barents Sea) // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 258-267.

Electronic reference: Dikaeva D. R., Frolova E. A., Vyaznikova V. S. Distribution and dynamics of Polychaeta communities at the Kola Transect (the Barents Sea) // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 258-267. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v19_1_2n65/12_Dikaeva_258_267.pdf.

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