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Bayanova T.B., Yakovlev Yu.N., Guberman D.M., Yakovleva A.K., Skufin P.K.

Isotopic investigations of age of the Archaean rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole section, Proterozoic Pechenga structure and its framing.


Abstract. The results of the study of ore mineralization in the rocks from the three lower volcanic formations in the SG-3 Proterozoic complex and in their near-surface homologues cut by the structural boreholes IX and X have been presented. Sulfide specialization of volcanites from the Majarvi Fm has been found. Oxide specialization of rocks from the Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Fms has been confirmed. The distribution, evolution conditions and chemical composition of sulfides and oxides from volcanites have been studied. The main features of development, composition and late alterations of ore minerals could be related to two factors. The composition of sulfide from the Majarvi Fm vulcanite and oxide from the Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Fms in the SG-3 section is determined by a "depth factor" that caused a widespread occurrence of mineral solid solutions. Intense development of hematite and transformation of magnetite and ilmenite in volcanites of the Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Fms in the SG-3 section are explained by the influence of the regional Luchlompolo fault. High contents of isomorphous admixtures – PGE, Se and Co in sulfides, V, Ti and Mn in oxides that were not observed earlier in the SG-3 section and geoblock as a whole have been established in all major minerals from the formations deep levels.

Printed reference: Isotopic investigations of age of the Archaean rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole section, Proterozoic Pechenga structure and its framing. / T.B. Bayanova, Yu.N. Yakovlev, D.M. Guberman, A.K. Yakovleva, P.K. Skufin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2007. V. 10, No 1. P. -.

Electronic reference: Isotopic investigations of age of the Archaean rocks from the Kola Superdeep Borehole section, Proterozoic Pechenga structure and its framing. / T.B. Bayanova, Yu.N. Yakovlev, D.M. Guberman, A.K. Yakovleva, P.K. Skufin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2007. V. 10, No 1. P. -. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v10_1_n26/articles/08_bayan.doc.pdf.

(In Russian, p.12, fig. 9, tables 3, ref 29, Adobe PDF)