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Vol 25, 2022, 1 No

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-1

Earth Sciences

Zakharova A. A., Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Kompanchenko A. A., Neradovsky Yu. N.
Methodology for determination of petrographic structures using the MIU-5M device
P. 5-11

Kozlov N. Е., Sorokhtin N. О., Kozlova N. Е., Martynov Еu. V.
Geological structure of the Ustoyarvi region (North-Western part of the Russian Arctic)
P. 12-26

Miroshnikova Ya. A.
Vein formation of the Monchepluton and the Monchetundra intrusion contact zone
P. 27-37

Neradovsky Yu. N., Miroshnikova Ya. A., Companchenko A. A., Chernyavsky A. V.
About terraces on the shore of the Teriberskaya Bay of the Barents Sea (the Kola Peninsula)
P. 38-49

Nitkina E. A., Serov P. A.
Zircon morphology and isotope U-Pb and Sm-Nd dating the rocks of the Kanozero alkaline granite massif (the Kola region)
P. 50-60

Amosov P. V., Baklanov A. А., Makarov D. V., Masloboev V. А.
Numerical modeling of atmospheric pollution in the approaches of random selection of discrete dusting sites and interval distribution of dust size
P. 61-73