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Vol 18, 2015, 1 No

Technical Sciences

Agarkov S. A., Pashentsev S. V.
Parametric identification of the Nomoto generalized model using the apparatus of variational calculus

Begunov A. S., Baeva L. S.
Technical safety of equipment on sea and river vessels

Petrov A. I.
Estimation of reasons of refractory damage in ship steam boilers' furnaces

Petrov S. O., Agarkov S. A.
Strategy of management of tanker movement in the crosshair

Petrov S. O., Yudin Yu. I., Kholichev S. N.
Modeling of tanker movement at the oil terminal in the high seas at crosshair management

Popov Yu. A., Shutov V. V., Men'shikov V. I.
Similarity of models of the observed navigational situation as multicriteria objects with probabilistic priorities

Radionovskaya T. I., Baeva L. S.
Features of professional training of marine engineers in the Arctic region

Smirnov A. Zh.
On safe underway watch and general requirements for the "human element"

Sokolov A. A., Solov'yov A. A.
Interaction of railway and marine transport (Murmansk Transport Hub)

Kholichev S. N., Yudin Yu. I., Petrov S. O.
Modeling of the mooring to the partner vessel using innovative vessel’s steering methods

Kholichev S. N., Agarkov S. A.
Modeling of mooring to the partner vessel at the final stage of "side to side" approach using innovative vessel's steering methods

Benzik I. N., Turshuk E. G.
Study of the mineral content of domesticated reindeer lungs and tongue

Bogdan E. G., Turshuk E. G.
Research of components used for developing recipes with meat of domesticated reindeer

Brazhnaya I. E., Gribova O. M., Korchunov V. V.
Technology of production of fish-vegetable minced products

Voron'ko N. G., Derkach S. R., Sokolan N. I.
Interaction of gelatin with chitosan: The influence of polysaccharide concentration

Ershov M. A.
Energy and resource saving method of convective dehydration for production of stockfish

Kuchina Yu. A., Dolgopyatova N. V., Novikov V. Yu., Konovalova I. N., Prinsteva M. Yu., Sagaidachny V. A.
Thermal decomposition of natural polysaccharides: Chitin and chitosan

Novikov V. Yu., Derkach S. R., Shironina A. Yu., Mukhin V. A.
Kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis of hydrobiont tissue proteins: Effect of the enzyme introduction

Stolyanov A. V., Kaychenov A. V., Maslov A. A., Vlasov A. V., Ereshchenko V. V.
Application of thermal sterilization regimes simulation for improvement of canned foods quality factors

Shumanova M. V., Fatykhov Yu. A., Shumanov V. A.
The use of photon correlation spectroscopy method for determining diffusion coefficient in brine and herring flesh

Blaginin V. A., Kazhekin I. E., Yusyp V. M., Moskalyuk A. M., Sirenko D. P.
Results of long-term field tests of protective earthing device for vessel electric systems

Vidin Yu. V., Kazakov R. V.
Calculation of temperature distribution in rib with constant cross-section and radiative heat transfer on surface

Vlasov A. B.
On properties of laser diodes at cryogenic temperatures

Kuklin D. V., Selivanov V. N.
Software for calculations of surge processes in ground conductors and grounded objects

Remezovsky V. M., Vlasov A. B., Mukhalyov V. A.
The method for controlling electric machine parameters based on the analysis of starting currents

Suvorova O. V.,. Motina A. V, Manakova N. K.
Thermal insulation materials on the basis of microsilica

Teslyuk D. A., Vasyokha M. V., Sel'kina Yu. A.
Physical and chemical bases of synthesis of cobalt(II) sulfide in the reverse microemulsion