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Vol 17, 2014, 2 No

Natural Sciences

A.A. Kozyrev, S.N. Savchenko
On control of stressed-deformed behaviour of rock mass at roadheading under rockburst hazardous conditions

A.A. Kozyrev, Yu.V. Fedotova, O.G. Zhuravlyova
Probabilistic prediction of seismic hazardous zones in rockburst-prone ore mines of the Khibiny massif

S.A. Kozyrev, P.V. Amosov
Ways of atmosphere normalization of deep open-pits

S.A. Kozyrev, E.A. Usachev
Occurrence of mining-induced seismicity during bulk blasts at the underground mines, "Apatit" JSC

N.N. Kuznetsov, A.K. Pak
Influence of the hard rock specimens’ size ratio on the results of their strength determination under uniaxial compression

D.N. Pavlishina, S.V. Tereshchenko
Analysis of systems of quality management of low-grade apatite-nepheline ores during their processing

S.N. Savchenko
On distribution of tectonic stresses in the Lovozerskaya blocked intrusion

Yu.L. Voytekhovsky
Definition, classification and matrix description of rock texture transformations

Yu.L. Voytekhovsky, Yu.N. Neradovsky, N.N. Grishin, E.Yu. Rakitina, A.G. Kasikov
Kolvitsa field (geology, material composition of ores)

V.Ya. Yevzerov
Experience of applying geochemical methods for determining palaeosalinity and palaeotemperatures to the study of Quaternary deposits of the Kola Peninsula

E.N. Kozlov, A.A. Arzamascev, A.V. Bazai
Typochemistry of the minerals in the contact aureole rocks of the alkaline-ultrabasic complexes as an indicator of a polymetasomatic alteration: Case study of the Ozernaya Varaka massif (the Kola Peni

N.E. Kozlov, E.V. Martynov, N.O. Sorokhtin, T.S. Marchuk
Evolution of the material composition of the Early Precambrian metabasites of the Kola region

N.M. Kudryashov, S.G. Skublov, A.V. Mokrushin, L.M. Lyalina
Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of zircon from Archaean gabbro-anorthosites of the Kola region

O.A. Maksimov
Metamorphic evolution of pyroxenites from the Gridino eclogite-bearing complex (Pryanishnay Luda Island)

S.B. Nikolaeva
Fold deformations in the Late Pleistocene deposits of the Khibiny (the central part of the Kola Peninsula): Morphology and genesis

Z.P. Rybnikova
Distribution of platinum group elements in Mesoarchean komatiite-basalt associations of the Vedlozero-Segozero greenstone belt (Central Karelia)

N.O. Sorokhtin, L.I. Lobkovsky, N.E. Kozlov, I.V. Chikiryov, V.N. Glaznev, S.L. Nikiforov, G.V. Novikov
Oil-and-gas content of the Neoproterozoic sedimentary complex of the Timano-Varanger belt

D.G. Stepenshchikov, Yu.L. Voytekhovsky
On the structural defects of graphene

V.V. Maksimova, S.I. Mazukhina, V.A. Masloboev
The features of the degradation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Kandalaksha Bay resulting from physical-chemical modeling

V.A. Masloboev, A.A. Baklanov, S.I. Mazukhina, O.Yu. Rigina, P.V. Amosov
Numerical modelling of dusting processes in ANOF-2 tailings impoundment

M.G. Botova, Yu.V. Romanovskaya, A.A. Namgaladze
Ionosphere variations: Comparison of model calculations and observation data

V.S. Zakharenko, G.S. Kazanin, S.P. Pavlov
Prerequisites and conditions of gas hydrates formation on the Shtokman field of the Barents Sea

Yu.V. Romanovskaya, A.A. Namgaladze
Ionospheric earthquake precursors: Analysis of total electron content measurements before strong seismic events of the year 2005

M.V. Rybakov, M.I. Karpov, A.A. Namgaladze
On response of the ionosphere over the Voeykovo station on the electric field variations